Bitumen and asphalt do not mean the same. They are entirely different from each other. To add more, Bitumen, a crude oil product, is used in building asphalt. Therefore, Bitumen can be called one of the constituent parts of that.
Bitumen and Asphalt:
In summary, asphalt comprises aggregates, Bitumen (binder), and filler, which can be some additives, sand, and small grains. To add more, Bitumen plays the role of connecting material of asphalt components. This asphalt is used for building roads, parking lots, railway tracks, ports, airport runways, bicycle paths, sidewalks, playgrounds, and sports fields.

Advantages and Disadvantages:
One of the most critical advantages of asphalt is its durability, but it doesn’t mean that no factor threatens its resistance. One of these factors is high temperature and heat, which causes the asphalt to soften and become vulnerable. The same conditions apply to Bitumen.
Therefore, the surface of the road will be destroyed, and as a result, the situation will get dangerous. Then the Conditions for driving become unsafe, and the possibility of damage to vehicle tires increases.
Bitumen Emulsion:
To explain Bitumen emulsion, is a substance in which bitumen droplets are dispersed in an aqueous phase (water). The advantage of this type of Bitumen is its easy handling and easy transportation at low temperatures.
The question is, “what type of bitumen is suitable for this operation?”
To answer this question, it is better to read the article below.
Asphalt With Bitumen Emulsion:
1. Hot Asphalt with Bitumen Emulsion
Hot asphalts using bitumen emulsion are similar to hot asphalt with pure Bitumen. But there are some differences which we mention to you:
- The time of mixing bitumen emulsion with materials is less.
- The time between loading and spreading asphalt should be as short as possible and before the emulsion breaks.
- During the production of hot asphalt, a lower temperature is needed.
- The vapors from the water in the bitumen emulsion prevent it from hardening.
2. Cold Asphalt with Bitumen Emulsion
This type of asphalt is such that the material is prepared and produced at ambient temperature with emulsion in an asphalt factory. This type of asphalt:
- is stored for a short time
- Since this type of asphalt is cold, we can transport it over long distances.
- is environmentally friendly
- is cheap and economical because less equipment is needed for its preparation.
What does the Infinity Galaxy do? How can we help you?
The main target of the establishment of our company is to supply Any grades of bitumen like VG10, VG30, VG40, pen 60/70, pen 40/50, and pen80/100 in different regions of the world. Also, we can provide other petroleum products like base oil for our dear customers. So, please push the bottom below to contact our co-workers.