Bitumen suppliers

As you may know, there are some important factors that bitumen suppliers should be aware of.

Therefore, we have decided to bring some of them to

help the bitumen suppliers in the world. Respectively, we start with Turkey

since it is one of the superpowers in the world.

The most important economic events in Turkey and the world in 2020

But Needless to mention that the events in Turkey have a notable impact on

bitumen suppliers, now let’s look through some of them.

  • First, export of antibacterial fabrics from Turkey to various European countries
  • Second, a 27% increase in fruit and vegetable exports from Turkey during the first three months of this year
  • Then, following the closure of the land borders between Iran and Turkey

due to the Corona pandemic, trade between the two countries

took place via the Van-Kapikoy railway.

  • Export of ICU beds made in Turkey to European countries
  • 22.1% increase in Turkish carpet exports
  • 13% increase in car exports from Turkey in February
  • Brent oil prices hit a two-year low since 2002
  • Finally, approves €240 million EU aid to support asylum seekers in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon

 April events & bitumen suppliers market

  • Exports of about 48,000 tons of seafood in the first three months of this year
  • Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Supports Street Animals
  • Besides, increasing Turkish fruit and vegetable exports to various countries

of the world despite the Corona crisis

  • Mass production of coronavirus detection kits in Turkey
  • Sending mask production equipment from Turkey to Azerbaijan
  • Additionally, the International Monetary Fund warned of a recession worse than 1930-1930
  • The US, Russian Presidents consult with the King of Saudi Arabia on global crude oil prices
  • OPEC Plus member states agree to cut 10 million barrels of crude oil production
  • Moreover, holding the 10th Extraordinary Meeting of the Member States

of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  • 5% shrinkage of the Russian economy due to the Coronavirus crisis
  • Generally, Turkish self-sufficiency in the production of filter masks with N95 standard and above
  • IMF program to mitigate the economic impact of the corona
  • The increase in car exports from Bursa province as the

“automotive hub” of Turkey in the first three months of this year

reached 1 billion 977 million dollars.

  • In fact, manufacture of fully automatic mask production machine in Turkey
  • Moscow’s reaction to falling oil prices on world markets
  • Additionally, Corona severe damage to the world tourism industry
  • Venezuelan President’s request for help from Iran to prevent liquid fuel shortages in the country
  • Apparently, Iran has declared Turkey its largest export and import partner in continental Europe
  • The US Federal Reserve kept interest rates in the 0-0.25% range

May events

  • Most importantly, launching native video conferencing software in Turkey
  • Saudi Arabia’s economic outlook declined
  • Revenue of 1 billion 844 million and 289 thousand Turkish dollars from hazelnut exports in the last eight months
  • In addition to the above, the suicide of Russian billionaire Dmitry Borisov, owner of large coal companies
  • Export of drip irrigation system from Turkey to 10 countries despite the outbreak of Corona
  • And, German recession during the Corona
  • Export of tulips from Turkey to 12 countries
  • Iranians ranked first among foreign buyers in the first quarter of this year with the purchase of over 1,800 housing units in Turkey
  • Also, the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development expressed hope for Turkey’s economic growth in the post-Corona period
  • A sharp decline in industrial production in Europe
  • $8.5 trillion shocks to the global economy
  • Increasing demand for Turkish health products worldwide
  • And, Germany, France agree to set up a €500 billion fund to help European countries affected by the Corona pandemic
  • Turkey and the United Kingdom plan to increase trade volume to $20 billion by 2023
  • So, the signing of the Turkey-Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Economic Cooperation Agreement
  • Turkish economy grows by 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020

 June events, affecting bitumen suppliers

  • Resumption of Turkish Airlines flights at the beginning of the process of normalization of conditions in the post-Corona period
  • 16.31% increase in Turkish construction materials exports
  • Turkish courier’s $1.8 billion deal with US company Zinga
  • Turkish avocado exports to 33 countries
  • Increasing the export value of the Turkish automotive industry
  • Increase in revenue from hazelnut exports to $2 billion
  • Reopening of Gorbulaq and Habour border crossings on the Iranian-Iraqi border
  • Reopening of Iran-Turkey borders
  • Holding the 170th meeting of the Ministers of Oil and Energy of the OPEC member countries
  • Unemployment in the United States during the Corona
  • Additionally, increasing Turkish cherry exports to European countries
  • And, increase Turkish exports to Iraq
  • 25% reduction in Russian oil revenues in the first four months of 2020
  • 47.5% increase in Turkish tea exports to foreign countries
  • 3.9% increase in the unemployment rate in the UK
  • One-year extension of Union Council economic sanctions against Russia
  • Also, Istanbul Stock Exchange record-breaking
  • Finally, the virtual meeting between China and the European Union

July events & bitumen suppliers

  • The European Parliament agrees to help Turkey in hosting asylum seekers
  • Inauguration of Asia’s largest solar power plant in India
  • Turkish jewelry exports increased by 60%
  • Significant rise in the value of Turkish defense companies
  • Also , Most importantly, resumption of reciprocal flights between Turkey and Russia
  • Widespread reception of foreign tourists to travel to Turkish coastal cities despite the Corona pandemic
  • $495 million investment in the development plan for the North Marmara Natural Gas Storage Reservoir
  • And, Qatar Airways demands $5 billion in compensation from besieging countries
  • As the final point, increasing the export value of Turkish technology equipment