Global bitumen supplier

In this article, we will talk about the global bitumen supplier

and the variables that affect its situation. The first and most important is the

but fact that the United States is the world’s largest producer and consumer of oil. As a matter of fact, the United States became the world’s largest oil producer

and consumer last year, according to the World Energy Outlook for

2019, published by the British oil and gas company BP. The United States produced 17.9 percent of the world’s oil last year,

making it the world’s largest oil producer for the sixth year in a row.

The US, affecting the situations for global bitumen supplier

It is good to know that the US oil production last year compared to

2018 increased by 11% per day to an average of 17 million and

45 thousand barrels of oil. This amount in 2018 was at the level of 15 million

and 360 thousand barrels of oil. According to the report, Saudi Arabia’s

daily oil production also fell by an average of 3.5 percent to 11.54 million

barrels last year. Moreover, Saudi Arabia remains the second-largest oil producer in the world. However, Russia increased its daily oil production by 0.9

percent to 11.54 million barrels during this period, ranking third after

Saudi Arabia. Respectively,but the share of Saudi Arabia and Russia in world oil production was 12.4 and 12.1 percent. Global oil production in 2018 also averaged 95.192 million barrels of oil per day,

down 0.1 percent from the previous year.

Accordingly, global oil consumption in 2019 has decreased by 0.9 percent

to 98.272 million barrels compared to the previous year. In this regard,

the United States, with daily consumption of 19.4 million barrels of

oil alone, accounted for 19.7% of global fuel consumption and was the

leader in this field. After the United States, China came in second with

14.056 million barrels per day and India came in third with 5.271 million barrels. China and India’s oil consumption in 2019 compared to 2018 increased

by 5.1 percent and 3.1 percent, respectively. In fact, China accounts for

14.3 percent of global oil consumption and India for 5.4 percent.

Turkey, affecting the global bitumen supplier situation

We will observe the most important economic events in Turkey and the

but world in 2020 since they were important and determinative. Generally speaking, the discovery of Turkey’s largest gas field,

the effects of the Corona pandemic on the world economy and the

closure of most countries’ borders, rising gold prices,

rising Turkish exports despite the corona, falling oil prices,

US sanctions against Iran are some of the most important economic

events in Turkey and the world in 2020 that have had lots of effects

on the global bitumen supplier.

With the onset of the Corona pandemic crisis in the early months of

the year and the closure of most countries’ borders,

they dealt a tremendous blow with global production and trade,

and the tourism and aviation industries. Meanwhile, the discovery of

Turkey’s largest gas field in the Black Sea this critical year is one

of the most important positive events of 2020 for Turkey.

In fact, countries around the world closed their borders in response

to the Corona pandemic, which in turn reduced international flights and

dealt a major blow to the world tourism industry;

but unemployment rose in most countries, they canceled major international

trade fairs, but stock exchanges and oil prices fell, and gold became more

and more expensive. Despite all these global crises, Turkish exports have been very successful in various sectors. Now, let’s analyze the procedure of

each month step by step.

January events

  • A 14.7% increase in property purchases by foreigners in Turkey.

  • Luxury yacht exhibition with the participation of 17 companies from Turkey in Düsseldorf, Germany

  • The Islamic Development Bank has declared Turkey a haven for investors, citing its high investment capacity

  • Record in Turkish wood products exports

  • Tajikistan and Afghanistan sign railway agreement with Dushanbe officials in attendance

  • About 8% increase in Turkish industrial production in January

  • Increase exports of Turkish fruits and vegetables

  • Turkish exports increase by 6.1% in the first month of the year

February events in Turkey, affecting the global bitumen supplier

  • Increase in Turkish-Azerbaijani trade to $15 billion

  • Launching Turkey’s first global navigation satellite system in the Antarctic

  • Closure of the Turkish-Iranian border crossing due to the widespread outbreak of the corona

  • Cancellation of Emirates Airlines flights to 5 cities in Iran

  • The desire of the European parties to strengthen the Intex mechanism

  • The impact of the blockade of Libya’s oil fields on the country’s production

  • Suspension of Turkish Airlines flights to Iran and China

  • New EU sanctions against Bashar al-Assad’s regime

  • Three-day meeting of Turkish-Iranian real estate consultants in Istanbul

  • Iran’s criticism of the departure of foreign companies from this country

  • Mass production of Turkish Kaplan MT light export tank to meet Indonesia needs

  • The 7th International Book Fair kicks off at the CyanR Expo Exhibition Center in Istanbul

March events

  • Postponement of all domestic exhibitions in Turkey until the end of April due to the Corona pandemic

  • Increase in Turkish exports in ready-to-wear garments to China

  • A sharp drop in the value of stocks in the European and American stock markets

  • The negative impact of falling oil prices on the world market on the

Russian economy and a 10% drop in the value of the Russian stock market

  • Stop flights to Turkey to Germany, France, Spain, Denmark,

Belgium, Norway, Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands

  • Increasing the number of active oil rigs in the United States

  • Record of housing purchase by foreigners in Turkey

  • The outbreak of Corona affected 2.6 million jobs in Iran

  • International Monetary Fund Program to Fight the Corona

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