Types of bitumen

Roughly speaking, different types of bitumen prices and even qualities

differ due to global situations and daily events in superpower countries. Generally, the oil industry is one of the most important and key industries

in the world, whose developments are under observation with great care. We can consider this industry as one industry whose price fluctuation range is very high. In addition, market developments, political and geopolitical issues also affect it. However, recent studies have shown that non-market factors play a

minor role in the major price changes in the oil market,

and this volatile market, like all other markets,

is under the effect of changes in supply and demand.

The oil industry and types of bitumen

We can consider factors influencing supply OPEC decisions on oil production

or supply changes in non-OPEC producing countries such as Russia

and the United States. As you may know, OPEC controls one-third of

the oil market, and the decisions of this large oil cartel could have a

major impact on the market. Factors influencing the demand side can also

be a dependence of economic activities on oil and petroleum products,

the value of the US dollar and ultimately the performance of the world economy. For example, during the boom years, when economic and industrial activity

in the world is very large, the oil demand is high, and vice versa,

during the recession, the demand for oil as an energy source is low.

In recent months, as the corona epidemic engulfed the world,

oil prices fell for a sharp drop in market demand. As a result,

several oil-rich countries, including OPEC members, have cut production to

keep the supply in line with demand. Nevertheless, the important point is that

the major oil-exporting countries in OPEC are not all among the world’s

largest producers, and without the support of these non-OPEC producers,

it is not possible to influence the oil market.

types of bitumenĀ 

Needless to mention that the International Energy Agency recently

released a report on the world’s largest oil producers, announcing their

share of total production in the market. According to the report, ten

countries account for 71% of the world’s oil supply and produce over

100 million barrels of oil per day. In this report, we introduced the

largest oil producers based on the information available at the end of June

2020 and to announce the share of each of these countries in the

total oil production in the world.

First: America & types of bitumen

The United States is the largest oil producer in the world and

has held this position since 2017. The United States is the world’s largest

shale oil producer and has invested heavily in this position. It is interesting to know that a decade ago,

this country was the largest importer of oil in the world and

now it is among the largest exporters, and that is why it is trying to change

its trade, economic interactions and to have a large influence

on the types of bitumen market.

types of bitumenĀ 

Worth mentioning, that they currently produce oil in 32 US states,

but production is higher in Texas than in any other state. Statistics

provided by the International Energy Agency show that 41% of the oil

produced in the United States is in the state of Texas, which is why this state

is so important to the American economy. On the other hand, the United States is one of the most industrialized economies in the world

and the largest consumer of oil. In 2019, the United States consumed 7.47 million barrels of oil per day,

which is less than half of its production capacity. The United States is one of the largest oil exporters this year,

and given the Trump administration’s investments in the oil industry,

US export power is to grow further.

The question may arise how the United States could bring about this major

shift in its oil production capacity from an importer to an exporter. Studies

have shown that the major reason for the US pioneering use of alternative methods of oil drilling. Petroleum grains can now be horizontal,

resulting in the highest efficiency in the drilling process and a significant

increase in shale oil production capacity. Between 2018 and 2019, the years

in which they used the new technology in the United States,

the country’s oil production capacity grew by 9 percent,

and they expect that this year the country’s oil production capacity will

exceed 12 percent. Specifically, the US share of total world oil production

at the end of June was 19%.

Second: Saudi Arabia & types of bitumen

In fact, the second-largest oil producer in the world is Saudi Arabia,

which produces 11.81 million barrels of oil per day. Before the United States became an oil superpower in the world,

Saudi Arabia was the world’s largest oil producer and held the position

for over a decade. The Asian country is the sixth-largest consumer of oil in

the world and consumes an average of 3.78 million barrels of oil per day. Saudi Arabia was among the countries that strongly emphasized the policy

of reducing production during the Corona epidemic. Of course, before that,

OPEC had implemented a policy of reducing production to affect prices. In 2019, for example, Saudi Arabia’s average oil production per day was

609,000 barrels per day lower than in 2018,

and this year it reduced its production by 3.3 million barrels per day to

prevent prices from falling in the world types of bitumen market.

Although OPEC’s policy of reducing production had a major impact on

preventing oil prices from falling on the world market, it cost the Saudi

economy dearly. The economy of this country highly depends on

oil revenues, and the country’s budget cannot meet the current needs of

the country without receiving the desired export revenue and, of course,

selling at a reasonable price. However, this year, both prices fell and

production fell, both of which put a lot of pressure on the Saudi economy,

but officials said the country’s foreign exchange reserves were enough

to cover current expenses.